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Discovering Veneers in KL with Archident Dental Clinic

Hey KL folks! Dreaming of a movie-star smile? Veneers might just be your ticket! At Archident Dental Clinic on Old Klang Road, we’re all about making those dreams come true. Let’s dive into what veneers are and how they can transform your smile.

What is Veneer?

Veneers are like magic wands for your teeth. They’re thin coverings that go right over your teeth to fix issues like discoloration, chips, or gaps. Think of them as a quick makeover for your smile!

Veneer in Kuala Lumpur

Porcelain vs. Composite: What’s Your Style?

Porcelain Veneers

These are the A-listers of veneers. Durable, stain-resistant, and they look just like your natural teeth. They're a bit of an investment but can last you up to 15 years.

Composite Veneers

On a budget? Composite veneers are your go-to. They're more affordable and still give you a great look, but they might need a bit more TLC over time.

The Benefits of Veneers


Boost Your Confidence

With veneers, you can say goodbye to any dental insecurities and hello to a beaming, confident smile.


Improve Oral Health

Veneers make cleaning your teeth easier and can help with alignment issues.


Long-Lasting Results

Choose porcelain for a long-term solution or composite for an affordable quick fix.

Getting Veneers at Archident Dental Clinic

Personalized Consultation

We'll chat about your smile goals and what you're looking for in veneers.


Our team at Archident takes impressions of your teeth to craft veneers that are a perfect fit for you.

Quality Care

We use the latest technology and techniques to ensure you get top-notch results.

Veneer in Kuala Lumpur

Why Archident for Your Veneer Needs?

Expert Team: Our dentists are pros at cosmetic dentistry. They know their stuff and are super friendly too!

Affordable Options: We’ve got veneer solutions for every budget.

Comfortable Experience: Our clinic is a cozy spot where you’ll feel right at home.

Booking Your Appointment - It's Easy!

Ready to transform your smile with veneer? Scheduling a consultation with us is easy. Just visit our website, call us, or send us an email. We’re available seven days a week, eager to help you achieve your dream smile.

Veneers: Care and Maintenance


With the right care, your veneers can last years. Porcelain ones are especially durable.

Easy Upkeep

Just your regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups to keep your veneers in top shape.

Ready for a Smile Makeover?

If you’re in KL and thinking about veneers, come visit us at Archident Dental Clinic on Old Klang Road. We’re all about giving you a smile that you’ll love. Check out our website or give us a call to chat about your options. Let’s make your smile shine bright!

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